Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Top 10 Things I Learned Today in Copenhagen

It was a very educational day for me today in Copenhagen. Here's a list of what I learned.

  1. Even though it's spring Copenhagen still thinks it winter.
  2. One minute there are beautiful blue skies the next it's snowing.
  3. My coat has a hood if I wear it I stay warmer.
  4. My travel agent likes booking hotels for me in the red light district.
  5. Car tax is outrageous - it can be up to 200%.
  6. Cars all have a sticker on the inside front windshield with a dial. You specify the time you parked, if there is 2 hours free parking it is based on when the dial on your car says you parked.
  7. Many people here speak English with an American accent. At least it sounded American to me.
  8. Don't walk in the bike lane.

Did I mention it's cold but don't take my word for it check out the temperature in the photo on the left.

And #10 - it pays to advertise

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