Here are links to all the posts with an added bonus of Dave's version at the end.
A is for Attachment
B is for Birthfamily
C is for Counseling
D is for Doubt
E is for Emotions
F is for Finances
G is for Grief
H is for Happiness
I is for Independence
J is for Judge
K is for Karate
L is for Lucky
M is for Mistakes
N is for Nature Vs Nurture
O is for Open
P is for Patience
Q is for Questions
R is for Respite
S is for Superheroes
T is for Trauma
U is for Unexpected
V is for Victory
W is for Whining
X is for Xmas
Y is for Yes
Z is for ZZZZ
When I would sit down to write Dave would try and guess what the topic of the post was going to be. I have to say, he was never once correct. One evening after a beer or 3 we decided it would be entertaining for Dave to come up with his version of the ABCs of adoption. Maybe it was just the beer talking but I transcribed his musings. (I also stole one of his ideas for an actual post).
A is for asshole. Sometimes it is you, sometimes it is somebody else, but somebody is always an asshole, more often than not it’s the cat.
B is for beer. Before kids I had to sneak beers during the week now nobody cares if I drink during the day.
C is for Cheerios. I expected many more Cheerios in the house with a child. For my first 15 years of life there were always Cheerios around.
D is for dark. That is when you sleep.
E is for elphabet. That may not be how you spell it but that’s ok.
F is for Fat. Well that is what the kid says I am.
F is for Fear. I am feeling the fear.
F is for F*#! I already put an F down. Note from Dawn see E Dave doesn’t even know how to spell alphabet, how can he be expected to get the alphabet correct.
G is for God. There is none.
H is for help. You need lots of it.
I is for Iowa State. I don’t know why.
J is for Just in Time training. That’s how your adoption training is you get taught just as it’s too late.
K is for kid. The word I use when not wanting to refer to the child by name.
L is for lost. I was thinking of the TV show but I haven’t seen that in quite a while. Lost for answers.
M is for mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Over and over again, then repeat.
N is for nonsense. There’s a lot of nonsense.
O is for Oh my God! The only reasonable response to most things.
P is for please. Constantly asking for things to be asked for with the word please, no matter how ridiculous. Insist that please be tacked onto everything.
Q is for quiet. Never happens. When it does it's awesome or terrifying.
R is for repetitive. Definitely repetitive. Did I say repetitive yet?
S is for Super Mario Bros. One thing we can agree on.
T is for Time for Bed. That’s a good time. Which isn’t far separated from my bedtime.
U is for Uranus but that doesn’t help. Other than Uranus what starts with U.
V is for violence. Avoid if possible.
W is for wimpy. Try to avoid wimpiness.
X is for XXX. No more x rated action.
Y is for yes. Occasionally an answer but rarely.
Z is for zoo. No reason, or because we live by one, or do we live in one. Nobody ever knows.