I took a couple of photos of the apartment where I'm staying so you can see what I am temporarily calling home. I spent the majority of the day trading emails back and forth with estate agents to schedule time to view some flats so I can have a permanent home. I have appointments to see about 9 different flats in the Richmond/Kew area tomorrow. It will be a busy day and hopefully I can say I have a home by the end of the day.

You have to move fast here as the good flats are quickly picked off the market. The one that I was most interested in was available this morning and by the afternoon it had been let. Although I would like to find something permanent for February I am willing to look at flats available during March. I don't want to take something that's marginal just because it is available now.

Have fun tomorrow. Rentals in real estate are definitely a contact sport. Be ruthless. And good luck!
Apartment hunting how exciting. hope you find what you want. Keep us posted.
Guess what this is a London webpage BECAUASE, mom just posted (8:56pm January23) and it says tomorrow at 1:56.. HEHEHE! Very interesting. Gotta love my nack for numbers. OMG I am just so funny today. :) Hopefully be able to chat with you this weekend.
PS I found you on sype, but you need to change your country to the correct country that you are residing in. :):)
OMG Melissa, You are such a dork!
Why the heck am I a dork? I was just being ummmm... ok fine I was being a dork. :) But what is new?
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