I can't believe I am 9 weeks into this project and haven't yet posted any photos of the new additions to my family. I adopted Tag and Koda in the beginning of January, they were supposedly a "bonded pair." Not sure I agree with that. They don't seem to spend any time with one another unless they are fighting. As a result I am unable to get a photo of the two of them together. So for week 9 I am posting 2 photos one of each it wouldn't be fair if I just posted one of them.
Introducing Tag.

Tag is polydactyl although you can't see it in this photo. He was named because he likes to follow me around, as I write this he is sitting at my feet. He's not big into being petted or sitting on laps, however if I am standing he loves to be held. Tag adores this feather, he actually does backflips over it.
Introducing Koda.

Koda's name was suggested by my friend Liz. Her suggestion was actually to name one Koda and the other Chrome, however Tag was a more fitting name for the little guy. Koda is trying to become a lap cat, she will sit on the couch next to me every now and then she'll put a paw on my lap to test the waters. Koda's favorite toy is a ball of paper.
Both photos were taken with my
Camera: Canon 7D
Location: Seattle, WA